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We invite you to join us for one of our regular Sunday or Weekday Services.


Worship is an important part of our life at Holy Trinity Church Geneva. We strive to use the richness of the Anglican tradition (in both music and liturgy) to serve as wide a community as possible, with a range of services in English that reflect the many rich traditions, languages and cultures which we are delighted to have represented in our congregation.


Services are held both on Sundays and during the week. Our 10h30 Sunday Service is usually live-streamed for those unable to join us in person, and our Wednesday 10h Morning Prayer Service is just available online.


Be sure to visit our events page, or church calendar, for information on this week’s services, and other special services throughout the year.

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Weekday Service sheets

Use the buttons below to download a PDF of the service sheet for one of our weekday  services

For the Wednesday service the Zoom link is:

Meeting ID: 842 3154 2033
Passcode: 608674

Sunday Service sheets

Use the buttons below to download a PDF of the service sheet for one of our Sunday  services

For the 10.30 service the Zoom link is:
Meeting ID: 663 5720 9034
Passcode: 725147


This Week's Services

Our Services


Sunday Services

Regular Services at 9h, 10h30 and 18h

09h – A quiet, reflective service of Holy Communion with BCP matins once per quarter including hymns and other music.


10h30 – A more contemporary liturgical service with choir and children’s groups. A varying pattern including communion, and family worship. Junior Church in the church hall for 3-11 year olds and Youth groups for 11-15 year olds and 15+ group also meet at this time or join us for the service. This service is also broadcast online using the Zoom platform – connection details are published in the detailed information regarding the service concerned, and in the weekly email to the congregation.


18h – Two or three Sundays of the month this involves traditional choral worship, and once a month (3rd Sunday) takes the form of an informal service. First Sunday of the month the service is followed by an apéro.


NOTE: Coffee is served downstairs in the church hall after both the 9h and the 10h30 services each Sunday. Visitors to our church are especially welcome.

Weekday Services


Life Events & Special Services


10h  – Online Eucharist with spiritual communion

19h  – On the third Wednesday of the month. On the Way, our monthly gathering exploring the connection between Christian faith and daily lives, featuring an informal service, apero (something to eat and drink) and discussion. This session is aimed especially at people to drop into on the way home from work or other weekday activities. Be sure to visit our church calendar or events page for information on this month’s theme and further information.



10h  –  Holy Communion service in the church using the Book of Common Prayer



Baptisms, Blessings, Marriages and Funerals

Our Chaplain and other clergy are here to support you through these major life events. Please click here or contact the church office for more information.



Case postale 1627

14b Rue du Mont Blanc

1201 Geneva



+41 (22) 731 51 55



Sundays at 09:00, 10:30 & 18:00 plus weekday services Wednesday and Thursday.

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© 2024 Holy Trinity Geneva

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