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Donations & Pledges

Our mission as a city centre church in Geneva serves not only our internationally diverse congregation but also offers an open door to all who come to us in need

Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly and whoever sows generously will reap generously.  Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give not reluctantly or under compulsion for God loves a cheerful giver.  And God is able to bless you abundantly so that in all things at all times having all that you need you will abound in every good work. 

2 Corinthians 9: 6 – 8


How to donate

We foster the living tradition of Anglican worship and the importance of music and embrace a lively youth programme.


Over 80%, of the church’s finances comes from your donations.  Currently it costs roughly CHF 1'000 per day to run the church. Without your support we would no longer exist.


You can provide financial support to Holy Trinity Church Geneva and our sponsored causes in a variety of ways, by:

  • Placing a cash donation in the collection plate during a service

  • By using the electronic credit/debit card machine in the Church 

  • By using the QR code or TWINT details below

  • By setting up a regular standing order or one time bank transfer using the banking information below.

We encourage you to also consider setting up a regular pledge. Pledging allows us to plan effectively for expenses and can be geared to your needs and preferences. Click here for more information on the Pledge Scheme.


Holy Trinity Bank Details:

Banque Raiffeisen de la Versoix

Place Charles David 11

1290 Versoix

Account name: Holy Trinity Church

IBAN:  CH40 8080 8007 5381 5844 4


QR Code:

You can make a donation electronically from within most (Swiss) banking apps. Just open the app and scan the below code:


HTG Donate QR code.png


How to pledge

Commitment to ongoing support of Holy Trinity Geneva

About 50% of our income for day-to-day operations is provided through the Pledge Scheme whereby members make regular payments to the church so that our expenditure can be planned properly. 


The Pledge Scheme Administrator is Ursula McGregor, phone 022 342 3227. Please contact her if you are interested in knowing more, or fill in the Stewardship Pledge Form  and return the form to the church. If you are a Geneva taxpayer, you can also substantially increase the value of your gift by making it tax-deductible. 


The Geneva tax authorities currently accept financial donations to charitable institutions registered in Geneva as a deductible from taxable income. Holy Trinity Church Geneva (HTC) is such a charitable institution. Please note that this may not apply if you are taxed “at source”. 


What does this mean in practice? Suppose you give CHF 200 per month to HTC, which represents CHF 2’400 per year. Since this amount is deductible from your taxable income this means a saving of up to 25% or perhaps even higher, depending on your precise tax situation. So that is a saving of CHF 600 per year. You could consider increasing your pledge to CHF 250 per month thus giving HTC the benefit of the savings. The Pledge administrator provides tax certificates for all contributions by the end of February of the following year to enable you to include your charitable donation in your Geneva tax submission, due at the end of March.

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